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To our Reptiles,
There’s no denying we are living in unprecedented times.
Living in the grips of a global pandemic is something we have never faced before.
But whilst we are constantly fed images of panic and despair, there is an overwhelmingly positive message streaming through, if we care to look for it.
And that is that community matters.
Now, more than ever, in this time of isolation and uncertainty, the communities we are a part of bring us comfort, engagement, respect and understanding.
At Reptile Apparel, that message resonates strongly with us.
Like most businesses at this time, we are having to adapt. We are lucky to have healthy stock levels across the majority of our range, meaning we are able to continue trading and delivering our Reptiles the top-notch streetwear you’ve come to love.
The limitations we do face, however, is the manufacturing of new products, with the factories we engage with having ceased production.
This is an evolving situation and we plan to keep you informed of any changes within our business.
Our website is up to date, however, so you can shop with confidence, knowing that we maintain the highest standards of cleanliness when handling your orders and that if it’s available on our website, it’s available to be purchased right now.
Of course, more important than any of that is the need to listen to the advice and rules implemented by our government and the health experts. This is a time to keep our family and our friends as safe as possible.
Be kind, help one another and stay safe.
The Reptile Team.